VBRN Proteomics Facility is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of NIH [IDeA (Institutional Development Award) Networks of Biomedical Research (INBRE):
Vermont Biomedical Research Network at the University of Vermont
The goals of our facility are to provide expertise and the latest proteomics technology to researchers at different institutions in Vermont and to establish an educational environment for sharing experience and knowledge in proteomics. An array of mass spectrometry-based techniques is available to investigators for performing proteomics experiments, ranging from routine protein identification, characterizing post-translational modification and protein interaction, to large-scale quantitative proteomics (global profiling of protein expression and PTMs) using stable isotopes.
The facility works directly with over 100 UVM faculty, staff/postdocs, and graduate students, providing guidance and support for their proteomics projects from initial experimental design, sample preparation, and instrument operation, to data analysis and interpretation, while also assisting manuscript preparation and grant submissions.
Contact us if you think your research might benefit from our expertise!